How will I remember my words ?
Whatever you do, please DO NOT read it !
Not if you want to COMMUNICATE with your audience and stir them into action.
So … how do I remember my words?
Speaking from personal experience …. it is not as difficult as it seems.
And I have struggled to learn what can be done. Here you will find what I have learnt.
This section will build to become a veritable encyclopedia of ideas that will
help you on the day, and
reassure you for this occasion.
So whether you are NEW, or an EXPERIENCED speaker, you will find valuable tools here.
SO, let's get going ....
In general, the audience does NOT know the EXACT words you have planned to use. So if some are not exact, NO WORRIES …. You just keep going, as ONLY YOU know (unless you tell them .. but why would you ??)
This removes some of the tension from you. Ahhh …. MAGIC … RELIEF
1.. When should I read my speech?
A highly technical presentation or report, press release, media statement, legal opinion where absolute facts need to be delivered without error will need to be presented accurately and will most likely be read. The other words surrounding this formal text could be presented using any of the methods outlined here.
2.. Exact words
The aim is to COMMUNICATE to your audience, and EXACT words are not usually required. Good language and grammar are important, but if you use a similar word or phrase to the one you had planned, and the same meaning is obtained … NO ONE WILL KNOW (so don’t tell them).
Remember, the aim is to COMMUNICATE !
In fact, we remember how we feel after a speech more than remember the exact words. The EMOTIONAL RESPONSE of your words are more important than being pedantic about exact words.
3.. The audience will SUPPORT you.
They do not want you to fail – so fear them not !
So you do not need EXACT WORDS and the audience will SUPPORT you. Knowing these two important facts should REDUCE your nerves, so you can ENJOY this exciting opportunity.
So to REMEMBER your words, here are numerous ideas. Some are logical, but as you go down the list you will find challenging and new ideas. The ideas are graduated.
All will be expanded over the following weeks.
One or more will be just right for you.
1. READ my speech > NOT recommended
2. Highlight the KEYWORDS on the page
3. Write NOTES from the full text
4. Highlight KEYWORDS in your notes
5. Record notes/summary onto PALM CARDS
6. Record POINTS only onto Palm Cards
7. Use a MINDMAP
8. MEMORISE your speech
a. Fully memorise word for word - definitely NOT recommended
b. Memorise keypoints
c. Memorise the Introduction and the Conclusion – or know very well
9. REMEMBER my speech using a REMEMBER AIDE (sometimes called a “memory aide”)
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