Ahh .... persuasive speech topics to think up, and I only need ONE
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What will I speak on ?
Here is the answer to the problem - it is NOT difficult any more.
Below is a growing extensive list of topic areas for you
to consider for
This Topic list will continue to grow. Sample
speech titles are to be added.
Click here for an extensive list TOPIC AREAS (click on area of choice): |
Abstract Concepts |
Agriculture and Farming |
Education |
Mechanical and Technical |
Military |
People and Famous People |
Religion |
Space |
Special Occasions |
Sport |
Transport |
Travel, Adventure, Discovery and Exploration |
General |
Valedictory address |
Refugees |
Migration |
Home ownership cost |
Employment |
International debt |
Cost Of Living |
Multinationals |
Economics |
Royalty |
Environment |
Army |
Navy |
Air Force |
Drug Abuse |
Unions |
Human Rights |
Smoking/Drugs |
Family Problems eg divorce |
Freedom of Speech |
Gambling |
Parental Rights |
Children’s Rights |
Women’s Rights |
Child Pornography |
Emigration/Relocation |
Child Abuse |
Marriage as an Institution |
Capital Punishment |
Gay Rights |
Rape |
Prisons |
Crime and Violence |
Education |
The Media |
Racial Prejudice |
Social justice |
Law and Order |
Prostitution |
Surrogate Mothers |
Test Tube Babies |
Cloning |
Genetic Engineering |
Death/Euthanasia |
Life Support Systems |
Abortion |
Transplants |
Medical assisted conception |
Disabled |
Medical liability |
Contamination free blood banks |
Viruses, eg HIV Positive |
Smoking and health |
Alzheimer’s disease |
Multiple sclerosis |
Cancer |
Government |
Political systems eg.Communism |
Elections |
United Nations |
Trade Unions |
Apartheid |
Land Rights/Housing |
Terrorism |
Justice |
Local Council |
State Government |
Federal Govt. |
The Budget |
Personalities |
International |
Politics |
Law |
Affirmative Action |
Separation of church and state |
Democracy |
Dictatorships |
Wars eg Balkans, Israel, Iraq, Rwanda, Congo, Angola |
Wealth/Poverty |
Privatization |
Third World Problems |
Entrepreneurship |
Inflation |
Exchange Rates |
Social Benefits eg old age |
Common Currency |
Interest Rates |
Housing |
Poverty |
Economic rationalism |
Consumer price index (CPI) |
Green Movement |
Endangered Species |
Deforestation |
Pollution |
Vivisection (animal abuse) |
Greenhouse Effect |
Toxic Waste |
Nuclear accidents |
Zoos |
Poaching |
Game Parks |
Overpopulation |
Whale hunting |
Long haul netting |
Dolphins |
Pop culture - music, fashion |
Book Reviews |
Musical Instruments |
Subject matter of music lyrics |
Musicians |
Movie Stars |
Award ceremonies |
Theatre |
Digital systems eg home theatre, photography |
Music |
Television Programs |
Movies |
Dancing |
Stage |
Ballet |
National Pride |
Fairy Tales |
Proverbs |
Love |
Marriage |
Weddings |
Superstitions |
Music |
Poetry |
Opera |
Drama |
Comedy |
Space Exploration |
Big Bang |
Money spent on ....? |
Space junk |
Satellites |
Hubble space telescope |
Journeys eg Mars |
Space probes eg Voyager and Gallilee |
Pesticides |
Genetic Engineering |
Droughts |
Encroaching Deserts |
Price Controls |
Overgrazing |
Genetically modified crops (GMO) |
Rising salt |
Deafforestation |
Coffee |
Bob Hope |
Presidents |
Prime Ministers |
Parents |
Family Members |
Servants |
The Elderly |
Siblings |
Relationships |
Explorers |
Painters |
Writers |
Musicians |
Bushrangers |
Performers |
Ballet Dancers |
Vocalists |
Instrumentalists |
Conductors |
Generals |
Doctors |
Authors |
Poets |
Sports personalities |
Actors |
Inventors |
Personality eg sense of humour, self confidence; introvert/extrovert, shyness, self esteem |
Physical Appearance eg body language, weight problems, self image, physical disabilities, speech impediment |
Ethics |
Values |
Morals |
Love/Happiness |
Hatred |
Leadership |
Competitiveness |
Determination/perseverence |
Courage |
Jealousy |
Nationalism |
Peace |
Faith |
Hope |
Creativity |
Government Schools |
Private schools |
Technical Colleges |
Universities |
Adult Education |
Pre-School |
Primary School |
High Schools / College |
Home schooling |
Peer group pressure |
Socials |
Single sex/Co-ed schools |
School Rules |
Compulsory lessons |
Prefect system |
Examinations |
Dormitories/single rooms |
Boarding school |
Leaves |
Bullying |
Being Different/Accepted |
Punishment Systems |
Compulsory Sport |
Uniforms |
Religious Teaching/Chapel |
Life Skills/Preparedness |
Outreach programmes |
Christianity |
Buddhism |
Islam |
Judaism |
Ethics/Morality |
Moslem |
Atheism |
Cultism |
Paganism |
Individual Religions/New Age |
Religious Tolerance |
Birth Control |
Olympic Games |
Steroids |
Hunting |
Blood Sports |
Sports Injuries |
Sports Careers |
Individual Personalities |
Media Coverage |
Sponsorship/Payment |
Tennis |
Golf |
Fishing |
Football |
Bowling |
Cricket |
Skiing |
Motor Car racing |
Hockey |
Running |
Boxing |
Weight Lifting |
Olympic Games |
Shot Put |
Swimming |
Adventure Holidays/Sports |
Astrology |
Hobbies |
War and Peace |
Dreams |
Award Ceremonies |
Beauty Contests |
Travel |
Natural Disasters |
Landmines |
The Monarchy |
Specific Crimes |
Sport |
Hobbies |
Boating |
Cars |
Computers |
Food |
Cooking |
Adventures |
History |
Politics |
Hobbies |
TV and Movies |
Holidays |
Social Problems |
Our Experiences |
Superstitions |
Ghosts |
Environment |
Ecology |
Money & Finance |
Work |
Employment |
Book Reviews |
Film Reviews |
Law |
Recipes |
Religions |
Unexplained Phenomena eg Loch Ness, UFO’s, Ghosts, mystery crators, “life” on Mars |
Titanic |
Space |
Arctic & Antarctic |
Scientific Discoveries |
Egypt/Pyramids |
Archaeological discoveries |
Everest |
Individual personalities |
Medical discoveries |
Countries |
People |
Transport |
Camels |
Boats |
Trains |
Buses |
Cars |
Trucks |
Horses |
Elephants |
Balloons |
Space Travel |
Planes |
Hiking |
Value of Computers in Education |
The Internet - pros and cons |
Chat Lines/Newsgroups |
Bill Gates & Microsoft |
Computers vs Print |
Millenium Bug |
Information super highway |
eMail as a means of communication |
Computer literacy |
Solar System |
Universe |
Astronomy |
Geology |
Volcanoes |
Tidal Waves |
Earth Quakes |
Geographic |
Wild Life |
Ecology |
Environment |
Animals |
Birds |
Plants |
Fish |
Electricity |
Magnetism |
Nuclear Energy |
Medicine |
Archaeology |
Caving |
Aeroplanes |
Cars |
Cameras |
Telephones |
Computers |
Microscope |
Telescope |
Architecture |
Buildings |
Bridges |
Waterways |
Radar |
Bionic ear |
Prothesis – artificial limb |
Christmas |
Easter |
St. Valentines Day |
Mothers Day |
Fathers Day |
International Year |
Birthdays |
Holidays |
National days |
Taxation Time |
Bicycle |
Walking and health |
Trams |
Motor Vehicles |
Road Accidents |
Road Laws |
Aeroplanes |
Ships |
Buses |
Army |
Naval |
Air Force |
Collateral damage |
Expense |
Peace keeping |
Smart bombs |
Strategy |
Come back here to learn how
to use your topic.
An excellent site for an extensive list of topics and quality speeches already written |
International Debate Education Association |
A Narrow topic?
Paul Evans in his DYNAMIC and tested book Instant Speaking Success recommends a narrow topic. Why? Because narrow persuasive speech topics enable pin-point accuracy and creates a memorable message. Imagine the applause ... when your audience has a clear "take home" message, one that is readily understood.
Paul's proven formula (I know because I use it!) ...
Narrow Topic + Head + Heart = Bull's Eye Speaking
Aim for the Bull's Eye with YOUR narrow persuasive speech topics.
Paul then expertly demonstrates how to recognise, find or create YOUR narrow persuasive speech topics. He continues to explore 'What do you want people to think'(Head) and to feel? (Heart).
This then identifies YOUR purpose, outcome or destination. You cannot commence a journey without a destination, otherwise you simply wander. All of Paul's ideas work , an excellent resource for success, and well worth a look.
Need a persuasive QUOTE ? Here is a growing list of wisdom that will delight the mind and persuade the heart.
Not found what you need? Got suggestions on how this page can better help YOU?
Send your comments to me at persuasive-SpeechesNOW and where possible all comments will be added to the site.
persuasive-SpeechesNOW is designed to help YOU with your communications.
Maybe you have a persuasive speech topics suggestion, great !!
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